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The price we are paying for NOT unplugging from work
fev 15, 2011 Ξ 1 comment

The price we are paying for NOT unplugging from work

posted by Garrett O'Brien

Though this article was originally intended for an audience in the USA, the relevancy is just as pertinent in any country… especially a fast growing, developing nation… like Brasil!


Education is important, but there’s something more valuable…
fev 1, 2011 Ξ 4 comments

Education is important, but there’s something more valuable…

posted by Garrett O'Brien

In my previous article, A Formal Education Equals a Good Manager?, a discussion was brought that good management is not tied to a degree, though it does help.


Innovation needs human stimulus, not more technology…
jan 13, 2011 Ξ 2 comments

Innovation needs human stimulus, not more technology…

posted by Garrett O'Brien

Many times the “research and analysis” for a new system will be heavily burdened with the obvious – with a flair for the bells and whistles that are believed to assist and help a company with a new system.


A Formal Education Equals a Good Manager?
dez 8, 2010 Ξ 13 comments

A Formal Education Equals a Good Manager?

posted by Garrett O'Brien

Many in computer science and IT are dropping out early as they can start making a geed paycheck rather quickly but in the long run, find themselves lacking enough skills.

Gerência de Projetos

Why Are Implementation Costs Higher Than Initial Estimates?
nov 9, 2010 Ξ Leave a comment

Why Are Implementation Costs Higher Than Initial Estimates?

posted by Garrett O'Brien

From my own 19+ years experiences? It all starts with the lack of proper planning and perspectives from the very beginning. The whole process leading up the RFP is usually not thorough enough as well as not drilled down enough

Gerência de Projetos

Looking at Project Management From Outside the Box
out 27, 2010 Ξ 1 comment

Looking at Project Management From Outside the Box

posted by Garrett O'Brien

In the first article, Performing A Needs Assessment on Project Management, we asked questions that focused at the whole process of obtaining and implementing an HRIS system

Gerência de Projetos

Reassessing the Management in Project Management
out 8, 2010 Ξ Leave a comment

Reassessing the Management in Project Management

posted by Garrett O'Brien

What are we assuming, and what should we be questioning? Reassessing the management of projects by providing some minor changes and providing possible savings

Gerência de Projetos

Performing a Needs Assessment on Project Management…
set 26, 2010 Ξ 1 comment

Performing a Needs Assessment on Project Management…

posted by Garrett O'Brien

As with any methodology, it is inevitable there would be a need to strengthen any weaknesses.


BEFORE searching for your HRIS system
set 8, 2010 Ξ 4 comments

BEFORE searching for your HRIS system

posted by Garrett O'Brien

Whether you are considering a new system or want to replace your current HR, payroll, timekeeping, benefits management and / or self-service system, stop everything you are doing.


Just what is HRIS?
set 7, 2010 Ξ Leave a comment

Just what is HRIS?

posted by Garrett O'Brien

The differences with HRIS, HRMS and HCM are usually the preference of the application provider





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