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Alfredo Saad

Alfredo Saad has been acting on IT area since 1970, taught more than 100 lectures in Brazil and abroad (USA, France, Portugal, Chile, Argentina & Uruguay). He has been acting on IT Strategic Outsourcing Services area since 1997. He negotiated and managed, as Varig's IT Technology Manager, the contract signed with IBM (1997-2004). In 2006 he published the book "IT Services Outsourcing" (Brasport Publishing House). He managed (2006-2009), as an IBM Project Executive, the South American section of Michelin's global outsourcing contract. Risk Manager of all IBM Strategic Outsourcing contracts in Brazil (2009-2014). From March 2014 on, he has been acting as an independent consultant, lecturer and writer on IT Outsourcing as the principal of his own company, Saad Consulting.
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IT Outsourcing Contracts Renegotiation: When? Why? How?

Three scenarios, one of them extremely surprising, recommend the renegotiation of your current IT outsourcing contract.

IT Outsourcing: Frustrating Results? What Went Wrong?

Do the C-level executives of your organization live a latent feeling of frustration with the results of their IT outsourcing project?

Previous experience with traditional outsourcing may ease cloud adoption

It may sound surprising to some people that the probability of success in a cloud adoption project can be increased if the buyer organization...

How important are the Human Resources teams in an IT outsourcing project?

As an IT outsourcing contract manager, I have lived, under both perspectives, the impact over the human resources in an IT outsourcing project.

IT Outsourcing: The unreasonable strategy of traditional providers

Let’s resume the discussion proposed in our article “IT Outsourcing Revisited: Providers Should Change Their Attitude or else ...” , published May31st here.

Cloud may help during an economic recession, but…

As largely discussed, the implementation of cloud solutions is making possible the achievement, by organizations of any size, of relevant benefits.

Renegociação de contratos de outsourcing de TI: Quando? Por que? Como?

Três cenários, um deles surpreendente, fazem com que seja recomendável a renegociação de um contrato vigente de outsourcing de TI.

Old IT Sourcing Dilemma is Exacerbated on Cloud

An old IT outsourcing dilemma, relative to the “single provider” versus “multiple providers” models of implementation, has its decision factors strongly exacerbated on cloud scenario. As will be discussed, on a cloud scenario we can sometimes find tens of providers coexisting, not always peacefully, resulting in a turbulent and unstable IT environment.

Must read

Estratégia de comunicação para TI: 5 erros para NÃO cometer

Existem 5 erros comuns que você não pode cometer mais na comunicação da sua empresa. Se você é um MSP que busca o sucesso, acesse e confira!

Inovação e Liderança: Uma Jornada de Transformação Digital

Inovação e Liderança: Uma Jornada de Transformação DigitalNo ritmo acelerado do mundo de hoje, a combinação de inovação e empreendedorismo é fundamental para profissionais que desejam gerar impacto nas organizações. Ao longo da minha carreira, passei de funções técnicas para posições de liderança, e, nesse caminho, aprendi como a tecnologia pode ser uma força transformadora nos negócios.
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