TI CorporativaGerência de ProjetosAgile Management Office. What is this?

Agile Management Office. What is this?


Many people think that adopting the Agile method can bring chaos that would make all projects go wrong.

This is not always the case, especially if the Agile Management Office is adopted.

Let’s call it AMO. This way of approaching project management allows processes to be well defined and planned, with the incorporation of the entire team as calmly as possible and without stumbling, allowing any project to be changed in the middle of it or at its straight final.

Some executives are afraid that changes in the traditional project management structure will cause harm to the organization, which is legitimate, as some initiatives to implement agile methods in an organization that is already with some maturity in traditional methodologies use to fail.

So, can we deploy Agile Management Office without harm?

Nowadays; mainly in Europe and South America; traditional Project Management Office models (PMOs) are questioned about their ability to deal with modern organizational environments.

The Agile Management Office gives visibility to the project, with a focus on the user and deliveries with value, using Agile practices and Lean principles.


Let’s see some differentiating points between the PMO and the AMO:

AMO monitors the team’s productivity and product delivery by using Lean tools that promote visibility for all of the project’s progress and always focus on partial deliveries, with strong user engagement in this process.

Coordination not only of the teams, but among the teams.

It is possible to focus on what really matters and that will add value to the business. A high-level Product Backlog is designed with the requirements defined and supported by ROI (Return of Investment), for example. Thus, a conceptual roadmap designed to deliver value is designed. It is Always important to remember that priorities can be changed throughout the project, as the organization’s strategic or tactical definitions may require changes in direction.

With a focus on the strategic vision of the project, the Agile Management Office offers flexibility for eventual changes of course without, however, causing teams to get lost or fail in the middle of the road.

AMO is focused on

  •  People
  •  Directing to the provision of services
  •  Monitoring and coordination among teams
  •  Easy understanding
  •  Continuous improvement

The decision whether or not to adopt the Agile Management Office depends on a company’s experience with Agile and its maturity in this regard.

And, of course, it depends on the need in relation to the demand for projects

I will soon make a short course (free) available on the Udemy platform with an overview of the full course of an Agile Management Office model that will be released following the free course on the same platform.

IT Project Manager e Scrum Master. Google Project Management Certified, Scrum Master Certified, ITIL Foundation, Lean Six Sigma White Belt, com mais de 20 anos de experiência na área de TI, passou pelas empresas Itaú, Itautec, Unilever, Rhodia, Electrolux, Citibank, Credicard, entre outras

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