CarreiraIs Your Resume's Logic Equal to the Criteria of...

Is Your Resume’s Logic Equal to the Criteria of the Vaga?



Have you ever thought that your resume’s logic is equal to criteria of the job you are seeking? Like Brazil, here in the USA there is much dependence between the recruiter providing the proper information so they can attract the proper candidates for any particular position. With the use of computers and the internet, this has become both an art and a science. Many believe that their resume should be their best tool to sell themselves — but is it? People can be discerning, computers can only be logical. Selling yourself for anything requires the recipient to be discerning, yes? You can use logic to sell yourself, but the recruiter may have knowledge they cannot share in using their discernment.

The following article discusses the last quater of 2011 in the USA for the HRIS industry — and with my move to Brazil, will be initiating such a report for the Brazil IT. I provide this so everyone can get a feel of what to expect — as well as provide any thoughts, questions, and recommendations to the quartly report for Brazil.

The purpose of these articles is to keep the person looking for work knowledgeable to what keywords are creating the best results — while at the same time, it is to keep the recruiter aware of what keywords to use to attract the best candidate. For the person loking for work, this does not mean using the best keywords will win you the job! This trickery will be blantantly obvious once your credentials are verified — but then again you will have gained another job: repairing your integrity, yes? These reports are tools to provide a level of integrity for both the person seeking work and the recruiter.

Here is the article…

A Link Between Job Search Keyword and Hiring Trends?

The weekly employment stats in the USA are announced every Thursday and I don’t know where we are going (that is, what is our hiring trend), as well as where we have been (that is, what keywords are being used for job searches). I believe think we do, but in reality we don’t.  The simplest cure to this? How about a couple of graphs?

For HRIS, HRMS, HCM, and HR Tech jobs, we have the following trends for keyword searches since May 2010.  Basically, providing the trend of how many are looking using any one or combination of the 4 keywords…

Keyword Trends


Hris jobs | HRMS jobs | HCM jobs | Hr Tech jobs

Since May 2010, the following has occurred globally:

  • HRIS jobs increased 55%
  • HRMS jobs increased 38%
  • HCMjobs decreased 46%
  • HR Tech jobs decreased 7%
All data provided by, a search engine for jobs.

Now, let’s take the same database and let’s look at trends based upon specific systems (which would include more than HRIS modules).  For now, we are using the major contenders, let us know if you want us to add someone else by clicking here

Keyword Trends by Systems


Adp jobs | Ceridian jobs | Kronos jobs | Oracle jobs | Peoplesoft jobs | Sap jobs | Workday jobs

Since November 2009, we see the following has occurred:

  • ADP jobs increased 13.222%
  • Ceridian jobs increased 238.737%
  • Kronos jobs increased 2.409%
  • Oracle jobs increased 2.484%
  • PeopleSoft jobs increased 3.677%
  • Sap jobs increased 3.601%
  • Workday jobs increased 4.618%

Hiring Trends

Our affiliate, SimplyHired, has now made it possible to follow hiring trends, thereby supplementing the keyword trends to what type of jobs are finding people being hired. These trends will enable you to view hiring trends in real-time. With this interactive interface, you have the latest local and national employment trends sourced from’s database of more than five million U.S. job postings — as well as monthly employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Situation and ADP National Employment reports.

While the BLS and ADP reports provide data on positions filled,’s U.S. Employment Trends report provides the only forward-looking data that actually predicts hiring based on current job openings each month; it is the leading indicator of the health of the job market. By taking the hiring trends online, you are able to discover job posting trends nationally, by metro area, by industry and by occupation, in addition to the degree of job competition in each metro area. Dating back to October 2010, this range of data provides you with a clearer picture of the number of jobs available and the competition they will face when applying. You can access graphs of various employment trends, which may be printed or downloaded for ongoing reference.

“The most successful job seekers know that knowledge is power, especially in today’s job search. The ability to sift through more than five million job postings to find specific industry and geographical job trends is an essential resource for these job seekers — and it is a great example of how job seekers can leverage technology in their search,” said Gautam Godhwani, Co-Founder and CEO of “How competitive is the job market where you live? Which companies are doing the most hiring right now? These are questions that can now be answered with the click of a mouse.”

National Trends

Change in job openings for December 2011…

-76,800 Job Openings
-1.9% Month-Over-Month
+10.6% Year-Over-Year

3:1 Unemployed People to Job Openings

Miami & Fort Lauderdale, FL
Las Vegas, NV
Sacramento, CA
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY

Washington, DC
West Palm Beach, FL
Oklahoma City, OK
Minneapolis, MN
Baltimore, MD

Air Force (136,539 jobs)
Schneider National (47,017 jobs)
Pizza Hut (26,133 jobs)
U.S. Air Force (23,459 jobs)
Taco Bell (22,056 jobs)

Metro Trends
Job Competition by Metro
Industry Trends
Occupation Trends
Bureau of Labor Statistics Breakdown
Trends Archive

All data provided by, a search engine for jobs.


With over eight million job listings, Simply Hired ( is the world’s largest job search engine — 25 times the size of the biggest job board. Servicing 17 million monthly users across 24 countries, powers jobs on more than 25,000 network partner sites, including LinkedIn, CNNMoney, The Washington Post and Bloomberg Businessweek. Reaching passive as well as active candidates, the network delivers millions of targeted job applicants and boasts one of the lowest cost-per-hire rates in the industry. The company is based in Sunnyvale, California and is funded by Foundation Capital and IDG Ventures.

credit to for some of this information

Again, this is a sample of the quarterly reporting I provide in the USA. This will be adjusted to accomodate the data and employement in Brazil and within the IT industry — and information will be gained where possible. Please note that the report for Brazil will be available only on TI Especialistas Brasil. What recommendations do you have for a report like this? What would you like to see in such a report? Do you feel this report would be helpful to you? Let me know in the comments below or on facebook!

Garrett O'Brien
Garrett O'Brien é consultado por implementações SIRH pelas empresas e as empresas (Fortune 100, 500 e 1000) desde 1991. Seus clientes anteriores incluem Lubrizol, ADP, Case New Holland, a Cushman & Wakefield, MAHLE, Honeywell International, Sodexho, e muitos outros localizados em os EUAGarrett é• Editor e escritor de 4 blogs mundiais focada em SIRH e gerenciamento de projetos, que são lidos em 160+ países • Exec VP para EUA CGServices enfocando multi-fornecedor, o sistema de multi-linha para sistemas HRIS • membro do Conselho de Gerson Lehrman Group Conselho, o que ajuda a instituições dos líderes mundiais se reunirem, engajar e gerenciar os especialistas em uma ampla gama de setores e disciplinas. Garrett se concentra em SIRH globalGarrett está trabalhando em alguns projetos em Brasil. Um deles é focando as melhorias necessárias na gestão de projetos, especialmente as fases mais iniciais. O outro projeto se concentra no uso de tecnologia dentro do sistema de ensino para melhorar a educação de tecnologia para estudantes e professores. Ambos os projetos serão locais no Brasil, mas será global em perspectiva.Atualmente, o Sr. O'Brien reside em o estado de São Paulo e funciona a partir de Home Office.Não hesite em contactar-lo diretamente no LinkedIn ( ou por e-mail ( @thehrisworld @hriscareerworld @thw_research @thwrn_news

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