Time for innovation for the system of education?

If you want to gain the attention of anyone outside an English speaking country, tell them they need to learn English or have English as a required skill before they can gain a good standing in their career. Much is said about this subject — just as there was when the language of trade and commerce was French (not even 50 years ago). In the age-old argument of this subject, the language really doesn’t matter — it is the requirement to know something beyond their native tongue that will set the debate circles spiraling endlessly. Whoever said there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine never was involved in this type of debate!

There is a current need to reform how education is taught as well — direct teaching, case study, problem approach, co-operative learning, lecture, collaboration, focus groups… each with their strengths and their weaknesses. But none can keep pace with the growth and change of technology. College students will find their first year education outdated by their fourth year. So what do we do, create 2 or 3 year programs to keep pace with the growth of technology? Is that really practical?

Usually the best solutions have been the simplest – someone had an AH-HA! Moment and we are all wondering why we did not think of the simple solution. But education is not a simple matter and neither is technology – that does not mean the solution does not need to be simple. But something has to provide a direction based upon the successes of others. This is true everywhere and in everything – including education. The metrics of the short-term successes (like grades) hardly reflect the impact the students can provide into the world beyond academia. The only thing good grades tells anyone is they answered the professor’s question properly.

This is not intended to insult any professors either – there are many great teachers that are being held back from being to make their own impact on society by the constraints that may education boards believe are in the best interest of the students. The only problem is many of them are measuring on the past results and very rarely have an eye on the future.

This statement is based upon my own experience of traveling more than 2 million miles around the USA, South America, and Europe for business and working directly with recent college graudates. The lack of awareness where the world outside academia is heading and what is needed from the colleges now for the coming years has been keeping the pace of the growth of information technology. The more technology has been growing, the more colleges appear to be graduating less capable students. The biggest evidence of this – companies routinely re-educate the students they hire from colleges.

The structured, historical approach to teaching is good, when things do not change often — like history. However, with the rapid growth inherent in information technology, the pace of growth will outdate the lessons before they are complete. Example — information technology has a 18 to 24 cycle. Everything grows and changes within 2 years….

Not believe? smartphones, laptop computers (notebooks), cellular phones (some as powerful as notebooks), the memory stick, Terabytes drives, Gigabyte memory sticks and memory in computers… these have grown exponentially since being introduced 5 years, 8 years ago… You buy the best computer and within 3 months something better is already being marketed and sold…

The languages used in computers evolve much more slowly — but we need to teach our youth how to approach problems not only logically, technically and rationally but with a means that promotes innovation. Apple iPhone was an innovation — the iPad was an expansion of a present idea. Same for the smartphones…

Case studies in how innovation and successful technological solutions needs to be undertaken in conjunction with learning the traditional or classical courses in technology. By undrestanding the process that leads to innovation, then innovation becomes a seed in the thoughts and mindset of our youth. You are what you keep in front of you — Japan was the best example of this. For many decades they could copy and recreate technology that was already being produced. Only within the past decade has Japan been gaining their way into innovation.

If you look at the Brazilian bank system and compare it to the rest of the world, Brazil has managed to avoid much of the financial crisis that many of Europe, Asia, North America and most of Latin America is experiencing. The financial system of Brazil is both very traditional as well as innovative. What was successful in the past was adopted — and the success was gained again.

The same approach needs to be made with information technology.

As for English — yes, learning would be a very good tool to have in your skill set. Is not entirely necessary but, as most influential articles, technology writers, and trade is performed in English, the “fruit of the tree” will most likely be found in English. What are going to do, study another language when the fruit is in English? When the time comes English is secondary, there will be another transformation. There was a time when French was the language of trade in Europe. Though spoken by many, French has given way to English. We can only speculate if the next commercial language will be Indian, Russian, Chinese… or Portuguese…

Time for innovation for the system of education? was last modified: junho 29th, 2011 by Garrett O'Brien
Garrett O'Brien: Garrett O'Brien é consultado por implementações SIRH pelas empresas e as empresas (Fortune 100, 500 e 1000) desde 1991. Seus clientes anteriores incluem Lubrizol, ADP, Case New Holland, a Cushman & Wakefield, MAHLE, Honeywell International, Sodexho, e muitos outros localizados em os EUA Garrett é • Editor e escritor de 4 blogs mundiais focada em SIRH e gerenciamento de projetos, que são lidos em 160+ países • Exec VP para EUA CGServices enfocando multi-fornecedor, o sistema de multi-linha para sistemas HRIS • membro do Conselho de Gerson Lehrman Group Conselho, o que ajuda a instituições dos líderes mundiais se reunirem, engajar e gerenciar os especialistas em uma ampla gama de setores e disciplinas. Garrett se concentra em SIRH global Garrett está trabalhando em alguns projetos em Brasil. Um deles é focando as melhorias necessárias na gestão de projetos, especialmente as fases mais iniciais. O outro projeto se concentra no uso de tecnologia dentro do sistema de ensino para melhorar a educação de tecnologia para estudantes e professores. Ambos os projetos serão locais no Brasil, mas será global em perspectiva. Atualmente, o Sr. O'Brien reside em o estado de São Paulo e funciona a partir de Home Office. Não hesite em contactar-lo diretamente no LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/garrettobrien/pt) ou por e-mail (gobrien@thehrisworld.com) twitter: @thehrisworld @hriscareerworld @thw_research @thwrn_news
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