Brasscom and Learning to Listen to What is NOT Said…

One of the things I have developed as a consultant for 20 years is to listen to what is NOT said. BRASSCOM had their conference last week, and though I was not there, there was some disturbing silences coming from this conference. Where BRASSCOM was successful was to bring a focus on what Brazil IT can do in the next 5 years…

This is good to hear, so I waited for more news coming from BRASSCOM…


Being someone that knows that 5 years is only the blip on the overall life of a business, I was going tone deaf waiting to hear anything else, beyond 5 years… as there was none…

The youth that are starting college today will be in the workforce in 5 years. Five years is not a very long time to plan for any business or industry that needs to be alert to rapid changes as well as maintain a level of innovation. Below is a video of Microsoft’s Future Vision lab – many of the items in the video will not be available commercially for another 10 or 15 years, some are already planned to be released in the next five years.

Now, before the skeptics start saying that 10 or 15 years is a long time, I ask “Do you remember how fast everything has happened since 2006? 2001? 1996?”… Here is a very short list of some the changes since then…

      Cellular phones were just becoming popular 10 years ago while the smartphone did not become popular until the past 5 years


      The iPhone only came about FOUR years ago…


      The iPad was released just LAST year…


      Facebook is as big now as the internet was 10 years ago


    Google was started only 13 years ago (in 1997, while the founders were still students)

Microsoft released a video in 2004 as part of their Future Vision project, and many are already made and outdated! (click here

The point of the videos? Compare the two videos — there is a massive difference in the dreams and vision of the future in just 7 years. Am I to beleive that a company like Microsoft only plans for the next 5 years? That they possible emulate what is already in the mainstream of technology? There are many companies, many CEO’s, many CIO’s that adhere to the 5 year plan and no more… My experience has been is if you do not have someone building that bridge for you, then when you arrive in 5 years, you are going to have to build it yourself… Which means those that have, will be crossing the bridge, waving, laughing, and having a great time. OK, I am sensationalizing and speaking metaphorically, but it helps to paint a picture…

Having a dream is easy – implementing those dreams into reality takes planning, planning, and more planning And it takes more action than planning. You take some actions, make some discoveries, reassess the whole situation, adjust the plans, then continue with more actions more, discoveries, more reassessments.

Some of the items in the video have been planned for 5 or 10 years, others will not be available for another 5 or 10 years – or perhaps more. I say 5 years ago I would have laughed at anyone that would have told me I would be posting a blog article from a phone, watch TV on it, hire a taxi from it, turn off the lights (or turn them on) in my home no matter what area of the country I am in, even translate e-mails from Brazil from it!

The current status of almost everyone having a computer was a dream of Bill Gates, who had a dream that everyone will have a computer in their home some day. His vision required BIG planning as it was a BIG dream. The plans were in a constant state of flux as things he did not know even a few months previous were making some things much easier, some things much more difficult. But still, he had to plan beyond 5 years – otherwise would he not lose focus on where he wanted to go with his visions? If he only 5 years at a time, how would he arrive at the realization of his dream?

Having a vision is very important in our personal lives, and in our business lives. We hear this, we know this, but how many do something about this? Let’s take a family that wants to send their children to college. In Brazil, the funding for public colleges are already been collected from the taxes and paid by the government. So let’s say colleges suddenly are no longer free – you have to pay for the education from your own expenses, as you would many countries… I know that is a scary thought, I have been there. I had two children in college at the same time, and one of them decided they wanted to be married while still in college…. The tuition for college I had already planned; the funding for her wedding I was not planning to start until she graduated from college… AI!

To pay for college tuition required years of planning and saving. For many parents, they will start as soon as the baby is born. It may not be much, but they plan for that day their children — or children — will be accepted to a college. At that point, there will probably be several colleges that have accepted their entry, but the decision will fall on what is financially possible.

My point? If you are planning for something big, then you need to think BIG! If you are planning for something small, then you plan small. If you are planning for mediocrity, then you don’t need to plan very little. If you are planning to fail, then just step back, do nothing and you will. You need your plans to fit the size of the dream – keep dreaming small, and all you will have is small accomplishments – and small hopes. Plan something big, something that seems totally ridiculous to attain now – then you need to plan BIG., and have plans with long term attainments. This is true for people as well as governments, sovereignties, and very successful businesses.

You don’t have to have such plans, you really don’t… But if you do, you better keep your attention to whom and / or what is coming up from behind you, as you will eventually be watching the back of the person that just passed you. But if you dream big, create big visions, and make big plans and keep your heart in this dream, you don’t have to worry about anyone passing – as you will be passing everyone!

Creating your own path means there will be others looking up to you – unless you prefer, or want to get used to looking up to others…

Brasscom and Learning to Listen to What is NOT Said… was last modified: novembro 18th, 2011 by Garrett O'Brien
Garrett O'Brien: Garrett O'Brien é consultado por implementações SIRH pelas empresas e as empresas (Fortune 100, 500 e 1000) desde 1991. Seus clientes anteriores incluem Lubrizol, ADP, Case New Holland, a Cushman & Wakefield, MAHLE, Honeywell International, Sodexho, e muitos outros localizados em os EUA Garrett é • Editor e escritor de 4 blogs mundiais focada em SIRH e gerenciamento de projetos, que são lidos em 160+ países • Exec VP para EUA CGServices enfocando multi-fornecedor, o sistema de multi-linha para sistemas HRIS • membro do Conselho de Gerson Lehrman Group Conselho, o que ajuda a instituições dos líderes mundiais se reunirem, engajar e gerenciar os especialistas em uma ampla gama de setores e disciplinas. Garrett se concentra em SIRH global Garrett está trabalhando em alguns projetos em Brasil. Um deles é focando as melhorias necessárias na gestão de projetos, especialmente as fases mais iniciais. O outro projeto se concentra no uso de tecnologia dentro do sistema de ensino para melhorar a educação de tecnologia para estudantes e professores. Ambos os projetos serão locais no Brasil, mas será global em perspectiva. Atualmente, o Sr. O'Brien reside em o estado de São Paulo e funciona a partir de Home Office. Não hesite em contactar-lo diretamente no LinkedIn ( ou por e-mail ( twitter: @thehrisworld @hriscareerworld @thw_research @thwrn_news
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